How do I Access my Summer Courses?

Summer Programs

Google Classroom for Summer School Courses

HSC is providing remote learning to students through Google Classroom during the closure for summer school classes. Check out the video below to learn how to login and navigate Google Classroom then use the form below to lookup your login info to get started!

Access Google Classroom HERE

ELL Summer Academy from SEZP

If you are part of the the ELL Summer Academy, you can access courses through Powerschool Unified Classroom. Follow this link  HERE and sign in with Office 365 and your SPS Email. You can find this email address in the lookup tool below.
Si usted es parte de la Academia de Verano ELL, puede acceder a los cursos a través del Aula Unificada Powerschool. Siga este enlace AQUÍ e inicie sesión con Office 365 y su correo electrónico SPS. Puede encontrar esta dirección de correo electrónico en la herramienta de búsqueda en la parte superior derecha.

Edgenuity for Credit Recovery

Credit Recovery Courses are offered through Edgenuity. You can access that tool HERE
Need help access or unlocking credit recovery? Use the contact form below.

    Schedule and Courses Lookup Tool

    Lookup Your Courses and Primary Person below
    Select your ID number in the lookup tool below to view all your summer program information and courses.
    Summer School Schedule

    Download HERE